Making the Miles disappear with Lebara
In these days when migration is such a potent news story, it is sometimes very easy to forget that we are talking about people, who are faced with a new life, in a strange land, often leaving all family and friends behind. For those people, having the means of communicating with their loved ones is an important part of being able to successfully find that new life. That is why the work and services now being offered by international telecommunications brand Lebara is so, so important and vital. Lebara started as an international communications company in 2001, but in recent years the services they have offered have become crucial to…
If It’s Time for a New Phone Consider These Tips Before Buying
When you’re a mom, the smartphone you choose is incredibly important. Having the right phone ensures you can stay connected even when you’re on the go. Your phone probably also doubles as your communication hub for sending emails, checking up on social media profiles, and taking pictures of your little ones. There’s something else to consider when you’re a mom choosing a new phone, however. That’s the level of durability. If you have kids, you’ve likely seen the beating a phone can take, whether that means being dropped in a cup of juice at lunchtime, or maybe on the ground, which can lead to a shattered screen. The following are…
A treat for your mobile phone
If you asked 100 women what the most important item they carried around in their handbag every single day was, I’m guessing (at least) 99 would say their mobile phone. Smart phones are such an important part of our lives, we use them to shop, to book tickets, to take photographs, to text, Snapchat, Whatsapp and play games. Sometimes, we even use them to call people on. Our phones contain ticket information, our banking, our photographs and videos, they do the job that used to be done by cameras, diaries, trips to the bank and a whole lot more. Sites like the Mobile Network Guide have become invaluable for news…