• jobs

    Tips For Effective Employer Branding Strategies

    When you start working on your employer branding strategy, first you have to think about your own needs. Are there certain areas where you need a boost? Do you feel your current workers are not giving you their best? How do you plan to attract the best talent to your company?  Good employer branding strategy can help you recruit, retain, and motivate people. Companies with a positive image find it easier to get skilled staff. Also, they have a higher percentage of employee retention. By being a desirable employer, you can even offer lower wages than competitors. But you must work on a better organizational climate, which people much appreciate.…

  • fashion

    When You Need To Talk Tax

    Most people would prefer to never have to talk about any matters relating to tax. For most of us, this is something that is deducted from our wages at source, and we never really have to worry about it, or question whether we are paying the right amount. But sometimes we really do need to talk to someone at HMRC, whether it be about a general query, or something more serious, and we can find that actually getting to speak to someone is not as simple as we might imagine. For instance, you may be thinking about setting up a company abroad, like Malta Company Formation, and may need some…

  • fashion

    Why Becoming A Mom Can Make You A Good Social Worker

    Becoming a mom is hard work, but you learn a lot and gain many skills without even realizing. When you become a mom, somehow you manage to work, look after the children and everything else in between. You also develop your interpersonal skills to a new level and you empathize a lot more now that you have your own children. If you are looking for a new career once the children go to school, social work may be the career choice for you. Hard Working A career in social work demands hard-working individuals, as the task load can be immense. As a mom, you have learned to juggle getting up…