accessories,  children,  Easter,  fashion,  High street,  shopping,  style,  WATCHES

Easter presents for those avoiding chocolate

It is less than 2 weeks to Easter, and for most people that means an excuse to indulge in chocolate. But what about presents for those who are avoiding the dark and yummy stuff. After all, contrary to widely held believe, not everyone has a sweet tooth. And then there are those who are dieting, or don’t eat it for health reasons, or those who just get far too many eggs and so look for something different. What do you buy for them?

This year I am faced with a heavily pregnant sister who now has an aversion to chocolate. I would usually opt to buy clothing, but again, with a rather large baby bump, this is not really the best of ideas. So instead I have chosen this very nice white bracelet watch from Oasis, which is plastic and therefore wipe clean, perfect for a new mom who will soon be experiencing the joys of baby puke! Oasis currently have a gorgeous range of watches that I discovered when looking for an oasis discount code, and I think these are a great gift choice for not much more than a fancy egg.

Gorgeous Watches from Oasis

White Bracelet Watch Was: £25.00 Now: £12.00 click to visit Oasis
Dusky Pink Bracelet Watch Price: £35.00 click to visit Oasis
Sunray Dial Watch Was: £20.00 Now: £6.00 click to visit Oasis

My little boy, who is 4, has so many Easter Eggs from so many people, that I always avoid buying him more chocolate.  Instead, a trip to the Early Learning Centre is a must. With Spring now almost official, I am thinking of getting the Sizzling barbecue to put outside his playhouse – he loves to pretend to cook and I think this would definitely get the seal of approval.

Sizzling Barbecue £20 click to visit ELC

And then there is me! If I’m honest, I’m not such a fan of chocolate has I used to be, and would much prefer something pretty in place of the traditional egg. I have my eye on quite a few things from Evans at the moment, so, here, as a gentle reminder to my hubby, are a few things I would love this Easter.

Evans Bird Print T-Shirt Price: £18.00 click to visit Evans
Evans Navy Dragonfly Scarf Price: £15.00 click to visit Evans
Chain Wrapped Necklace Price: £16.50 click to visit Evans





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