children,  family,  Lifestyle

Giving Your Kids The Write Stuff

Experts are telling us the written word is in danger of becoming obsolete. Our children want to be on their iPads or consoles playing the latest game and getting them to put pen to paper – well how last year is that! But you can get children to not only write, but to enjoy the process too. The secret is to make it fun and here are a few totally cool ways to succeed.



Kids love to make lists

If you’re working on something in the kitchen, ask your child to write a quick grocery list for you as you dictate items. Tell them that spelling does not matter and to give each word their best guess. Perhaps get children into the habit of writing a ‘to-do’ list at the beginning of each day.

Children writing their plans, checking items off as completed, and keeping everything together in one notebook is a great way of chronicling progress!

Learned Behaviour

Children who regularly write in a journal or diary, often have parents who also do a lot of journal writing. That’s not to say that everyone has to go out and start spending hours a day writing in a journal, but perhaps your family could either begin each day with a journal entry or wind down each day by writing for a few minutes.

You’ve Got Mail

There is honestly nothing like getting an old-fashioned letter in the mail. Give everyone the challenge of writing one letter each week for 52 weeks.Encourage this by buying your children their own personalized stationery cards. This will give the child a real sense of pride in sending out something so unique. And at this time of year – perhaps a letter to Santa is due!


The Perfect Pens

If kids have the correct writing utensils, they’re more inclined to write. Keep jars of fun pens and pencils on display along with funky notebooks and see what happens. They tend to have a favourite and will keep coming back for more. You may be surprised.

Cook Up Some New Ways To Write

Sure, kids can follow a recipe by following directly from a cookbook, but how about adding in one small step? Have them write the ingredients list required to make their favourite dish and then write down the method. Children are less likely to miss a step in the cooking process when they recopy the recipe, and they’re also getting some much-needed writing practice.

Chapter Capture

All children tend to have a favourite book, or perhaps they have received a new one that they haven’t got round to reading yet as their thumbs have been occupied elsewhere. A great way to learn a little more about what they are reading is to get them to read a chapter and write a short 5-6 sentence synopsis on what they have just read. Not only is it something fun to share but it improves their comprehension no end. They will love telling you all about their book and in the process won’t even know they’re learning new skills! Win-Win!


Sometimes all kids need is a little bit of a push to get their creative ideas flowing. Grab a pencil and see where their imagination can take you.

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