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How supplements help hair, skin and nails

When we are young, looking after our hair, skin and nails can sometimes seem like an afterthought. We go to bed still wearing our make-up and bite those nails as we worry about exams, boyfriends, money and our future. As for our hair, I lost count of the times I added dye of some kind, everything from bleach to spray in colours, never worrying about any damage this might do. When we are young, these things are just par for the course, and growing older seems such a long time in the future.

But ageing is something that catches up with the best of us, and suddenly we need to work harder to protect our skin, our hair and our nails. A five step regime of cleanse, tone, serum, eye gel and moisturiser may still need something more. And this is where key adding a beauty and anti-ageing supplement can pay dividends, especially if your skin is starting to lose elasticity, or is prone to breakouts long past your teenage years.

Hitting 40 made me think more carefully about my skin.
Hitting 40 made me think more carefully about my skin.


When I recently took part in a Q&A with Glamour magazine’s Alessandra Steinherr, she told the audience how she was a great believer in taking supplements for hair and skin. (You can read that full post and interview here.) One of the ingredients that she was a fan of was Marine Collagen. Our skin is actually made up around 70% collagen, but, before we even reach our 30s, it is starting to break down. Damage from the sun, and the usual passage of time makes our skin thinner, and, as we get older, we produce less collagen naturally, effecting the elasticity of our skin. This makes our skin look tired and weathered, and means we need to give nature a little helping hand.

Alessandra Steinherr
Alessandra Steinherr

Although creams and gels containing collagen can certainly help, liquid collagen found in supplements like LQ Liquid Health Supplements skin, hair & nails are much more effective as they are less likely to be wiped off before they have had chance to work, and can be absorbed into all the layers of the skin. (You can read more about this by clicking here.)



Another ingredient that can be found in supplements that can have a positive effect on hair, skin and nails is silicon. Silicon is another element that helps to strengthen collagen. This means it is a further ingredient on the pathway to healthier looking skin. It is great for strengthening nails that are brittle and prone to breaking easily, and can make hair thicker. We can find silicon in some of the food that we eat, but in order to keep our supplies up, this valuable element can be found in the LQ supplement already mentioned. This means we do not have to worry about a deficiency if our diet is not as good as it should be, we will be getting our silicon daily.

Ultimately, we can help keep our skin, hair and nails in the best condition with a balance of good diet, exercise and healthier living. Liquid Supplements can help maintaining that balance and make it just a little bit easier to look healthy and glowing even as the birthdays pass.

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