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Summer essentials for a working wardrobe

With Joe now at school full-time, thoughts have turned to the possibility of returning to the world of employment. In my previous life I was a teacher, but with all the recent changes in education, I don’t think this is an area I would really want to go back into, I’d totally lost the zest for teaching by the time Joe came along, and don’t honestly think this is something that  I would return to – ever. But the idea of doing something new, on a part-time basis, appeals, and the money would certainly come in handy. But what?

With this in mind, I have recently joined City Calling, a UK job search site that allows you to search for jobs throughout the country, in sectors as diverse as travel and tourism, entertainment venues and theatre, sales and marketing and construction, amongst many, many more. At present, I am strictly in the browsing stage, (the CV needs updating for a start), but the blog part of the site, in particular, is giving me lots of food for thought, especially the post ‘A quick guide to a successful career change’, which gives lots of tips if you are looking to change career and do something completely different.

In the previous life - a school trip to the zoo.
In the previous life – a school trip to the zoo.

If you’re looking to start a new job this season, you may need to re-examine your wardrobe. Do you really have anything smart enough to wear for an interview? If the answer is no, it may be worth examining some work-wear essentials. I think what you actually spend on your interview suit depends on whether you will be able to wear it again when you get the job (do you love the positivity – not ‘if’ but ‘when’). If your work is office based, it may well be worth investing in something a little more expensive. But don’t disregard the High Street, lots of brand names have some really great suits and separates, with Next, in particular having a really strong offering in tailored pieces. I have picked out five key pieces that a good work wardrobe should have.

5 Basic pieces for your working wardrobe

This navy shift dress is a good, all year round option. Wear with a blazer when the weather is cooler and add a chunky necklace to change the look.

Crepe Dress £35 click to visit Next
Crepe Dress £35 click to visit Next

I love the cut of this single breasted jacket, and think it could be teamed with either a skirt or trousers to make two different suits.

Slim Fit Jacket £50 click to visit Next
Slim Fit Jacket £50 click to visit Next

The most hard-working item in a working wardrobe. Wear with white for a classic look, red to get attention, yellow to make the trousers summer friendly, and green for a vibrant twist.

Black Slim Boot Cut Trousers £20-£25 click to visit Next
Black Slim Boot Cut Trousers £20-£25 click to visit Next

A classic black heeled shoe is smart, sexy, and will look great whether worn with trousers or a dress.

 Asymmetric Pointed Courts £28 click to visit Next

Asymmetric Pointed Courts £28 click to visit Next

Opt for a smart bag that is big enough for files, an ipad, and anything else you might need throughout the course of your day.

Simple Tote £30 click to visit Next
Simple Tote £30 click to visit Next


I will keep you posted on my job search, and any wardrobe updates that may come because of it.








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Welcome to the world of fashion-mommy, a world of fashion, lifestyle, theatre and fun. Enjoy the ride.


  • Molly (Molly and the Princess)

    Best of luck with your job search! I’m going to check out the ‘guide to a successful career change’ for myself too 🙂 I like the navy dress from Next- nice cut and navy is much more flattering than the usual black I think.

    • fashion-mommy

      Thank you! It is daunting, and I’m not really sure what I want to do (or am qualified to do for that matter), but this year is definitely going to ring the changes. Fingers crossed.x

  • Helen Porter

    I am just about to go back to work in two weeks eek and although I wont be needing clothes for an interview I do love that bag that’s something I need to sort out over the next week a work bag xx

    • fashion-mommy

      Good luck going back to work. I think that bag is just the sort of practical item that we all need – would work for the weekend with jeans too.x

  • Stephanie Searle

    Fashion journalism would be the perfect job for you. Having followed all your blogs and postings on Twitter, there is no doubt that you have the writing skills and fashion flair to turn it into a career.

    • fashion-mommy

      Many, many thanks – that comment has just made my day. I would love to do something like that, but do think it is probably quite a difficult area to crack into

  • Anna

    I think first impression on job interview is very important! You have to look good, especially if you work in fashion and design fields. Right accessories, delicate but showing your good taste its a must! And Heels!! :)) I am not a fashion expert as this is not my field so this is only my own experience!

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