A Wimpy Kid Bonanza With Books2Door
It is a fact that for some boys, literacy is a problem. In exams in English boys often lag behind girls of the same age, and there is a tendency for Literacy, and in particular, reading, not to be considered a cool pastime for boys, and for it to be one that has to battle against the attractions of games like Fifa and Fortnite. With an eleven year old boy of my own, I can truly see that this is definitely the case.
But there are books that have an appeal to boys, and these are the worth investing in. My lad loves the stories of the David’s – Walliams and Baddiel, he enjoys Anthony Horowitz, particularly the Diamond Brothers detective novels. And he is a huge fan of the Diary of a Wimpy kid stories, this is actually the book that he currently has in his bag for free time at school (many children are now expected to take their own books due to the current Covid crisis.)
Books2Door are a fantastic online seller of books for children, and in particular, box sets of complete collections by popular authors. One of their current collections is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books: 12 Book Collection which is the complete collection of books by Jeff Kinney. This is a collection that is suitable for boys or girls aged from 9-12, but I would definitely say that the bright coloured covers of the paperbacks, the cartoon type print and images, and the general style of the books make these perfect for those children who claim to not like reading, but can still really enjoy a comic book style.
The collection is made up of 12 paperback books, and yet it costs just £27.99, which makes each book less than £2.50. This makes this a wonderful, and affordable Christmas gift, and also ideal if your child is currently having to spend more time indoors due to isolating or shielding. With the weather turning colder too, spending some independent time reading is another way to pleasantly pass the time.