beauty,  Birmingham,  ethical bath and beauty,  Grand Central Birmingham,  Lifestyle

Pai skincare event at John Lewis, Birmingham

Lat week I attended a very informative and interesting beauty event at John Lewis at Grand Central Birmingham. Taking place in the &Beauty department at the store, the Pai Skincare event was a godsend to anyone who experiences less than perfect skin. Pai founder Sarah Brown, who founded the brand after suffering from adult skin problems, shared her wisdom and findings on how we can get the balance right when it comes to our skin.

Pai skincare event at John Lewis
Pai skincare event at John Lewis

Understanding our skin

Sarah explained that in order to get perfect skin we need to understand our skin better, and this can be achieved by looking at the food we eat, the products we use, and what stresses affect our skin. A good idea is to document our life and look for triggers – are we eating a certain food that causes a flare up? Does a certain product disagree with us? Sarah says that we can also overuse product, or be using too many different kinds of product, so we need to look for any triggers.

We need to be reading the ingredients lists on products more – we do this for food, so why not for skincare. You can now look up products on sites like Google and Skindeep. You may find there are common ingredients occurring in products that cause irritation.

S steps to perfect skin
S steps to perfect skin

An appointment with a dermatologist is another way of learning about our skin and possible causes of skin complaints. A company like Ceders Dermatology Clinic who offer best dermatologist London services, could help you to pinpoint problems and suggest possible cures, as well as offering clinical services if required.


Sarah is a great fan of cleansing, and believes that if you get the cleanser right, you may find other things slip into place. Poor cleansing products can be a problem. They can strip the natural oil from your skin and change your PH levels. We need to remember that skin is an organ like any other in the body, it needs looking after.

Sarah is not a fan of foam cleansers, they can be too like a detergent and strip away the natural oils. Another huge no-no is wipes. They contain too many preservatives to help keep them moist for use. If you use these to remove stubborn make up, simply double cleanse to remove all traces.

Pai skincare products
Pai skincare products


Sarah really believes that less is more when it comes to our skin comes to our skin.Staying protected can be hard when you don’t know how to handle your skin. The team behind that problem too well. That’s why they help give you high-quality products that can support your skin and keep it safe from its surroundings

Sarah believes a simple three step programme of cleanse, tone and moisturise works best, and that this should really only be done once a day – something I found really interesting.




Stress can have a real effect on our skin, and Sarah also advocates ways to de-stress in our every day life.

These include:-

  • Meditation
  • Switching off mobile phones at night, and certainly not taking them to bed.
  • Facials – a great way to relax and de-stress
  • stepping away from the computer screen at a reasonable hour
  • A diet with fatty acids and omega 3 is recommended.


Sarah is a fan of exfoliation, but only if the exfoliant contains completely natural, wax spherical grains. Lots of exfoliants have crushed beads and ingredients with jagged edges. These tear the skin cells which then have to repair. Exfoliation is a great way to get rid of residue and make up that can build up on our skin, but we need to watch it isn’t causing more problems.

I really enjoyed the session with Sarah Brown and Pai Skincare and felt very informed after it. Some of my preconceptions of skincare had been well and truly challenged, and it certainly gave me food for thought.

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