Searching for the Perfect Spring Dress
For a few days at the end of last week, and the beginning of this, I got that Spring feeling. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. I was wearing a blazer rather than a heavy overcoat, and I had started to think about Summer, planning a holiday, musing about getting some tickets for a festival (I really fancy going to the Isle of Wight festival this year and combining it with a bit of a holiday for Hubby and Joe too), and generally imagining myself spending copious amounts of time on a sun lounger drinking Pimms!
I also started thinking about my wardrobe too, and in particular, dresses. Everyone who knows me knows that dresses are my apparel of choice, even when I’m having a lazy day at home. But it has to be said that some of my dresses have seen better days, getting that bobbly cotton look that comes from spinning around in the washing machine too many times. So I’ve been spending some time choosing dresses that I would love to add to my wardrobe this spring, adding them to online baskets, and then pondering on it overnight.
Here are my current faves.
And one that I did succumb too….
Derek Pritchard
The prom dress is the best.
BHS. Wow! When did they get so good?