• family,  Health

    Tips For Dealing With A Bad Back

    Back pain can be one of the most debilitating conditions to cope with. My own experience of back pain started after I had an epidural during a caesarean section, since then I have suffered with (thankfully) sporadic back pain that is made worse when I take long walks, or have to walk up a lot of stairs and steps. On these occasions doing anything becomes difficult and I can suffer severe discomfort and lots of pain. My own back pain came through pregnancy, but there are many other reasons why you may encounter your own pain. This can be anything from having a serious accident, being injured through sports and…

  • eating out,  family,  Health,  Lifestyle

    Living the Good Life with Diabetes

    Having diabetes means a lot of lifestyle changes have to happen. In fact, the entire situation can often seem overwhelming, especially when a person is first diagnosed. Fortunately, it becomes considerably easier to deal with as time goes on. I have been diabetic for almost 15 years, but recently I have been transferred from tablets to Insulin, and am now having to evaluate my food choices all over again. Below are some tips about diet and lifestyle choices that can help anyone that has been diagnosed with diabetes live the fullest life possible. Fruit Fruit is a healthy choice and one your body needs, but some types of fruit do…

  • family,  Health,  Lifestyle

    4 Vaccines All Adults Should Have

    If you thought you were too old to be vaccinated, you really need to think again. Most people think that immunization is only meant for kids due to their low immunity. This is far from the truth. Medical experts argue that the immunity of an adult takes a dive as age catches up with an individual. Vaccination should therefore not be taken lightly because ignorance can send you to the grave before the end of your lifespan. Research has proved that there are more than 600,000 people who lose their lives due to illnesses that can be remedied through vaccination. Immunization gives you an edge when diseases strike because your…