Celebrity Children and Fashion Trends
In the world of celebrity fashion, no one is immune to the limelight, even those still in nappies. As much as we are enchanted by the famous, we’re seem to be even more intrigued by their offsprings. Naturally, fashionable stars are more inclined to dress their children in the latest fashions no matter what their ages. From Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to Madonna, celebrities are making sure that their little ones are just as stylish as they are. Although you may not have the clothing budget of David and Victoria Beckham, you can still dress your kids in styles similar to those Harper and Romeo are rocking, as…
Why I hope that Harper Seven Beckham isn’t the new Suri Cruise.
The first thing I tweeted on hearing about the birth of Harper Seven Beckham was that Suri Cruise now faced some serious competition. I regretted this almost instantly. Because of all the things I wish for that much longed for little girl, being another Suri Cruise isn’t one of them. Suri Cruise, let me refresh your memory. According to Glamour readers, she is the 21st best dressed women in the world in 2011 (shame on anyone who voted for her!). She has a shoe collection that includes Louboutins and Marc Jacob shoes and is reputedly worth £90,000. She’s a huge fan of Marc Jacobs. Oh, and did I mention she’s…
How children decide the clothes we wear.
Poor Katie Holmes, she can’t seem to do or say anything right can she? Most recently, she has attracted criticism and ridicule after admitting that her daughter Suri sometimes chooses her outfits. In particular she pointed out the red evening gown with blue heels that she had worn to the Met Ball that had met with some mixed reviews. Heat magazine, in particular was quite scathing of Katie, printing some unflattering pictures and saying it was quite obvious that the clothes had been chosen by a child. But why the fuss? I think anyone with a young child would be the first to admit, that even if they don’t actually…