Make Up Solutions with QVS Beauty
A wise old saying goes that ‘a workman is only as good as his tools’, and for me the same is true when it comes to cosmetics. So many people buy expensive, exquisite brands of make up, only to apply it with the same old, let’s face it, rather manky make up brushes and tools they have been using, and probably not cleaning, for years. QVS Beauty, who make a brilliant range of affordable make up tools recently found, in a survey, that only 61% of us clean our brushes once a month, so imagine the build up of make up, grime and bacteria as we use the brushes again…
Christmas stocking fillers from Semilac
Semilac is a Polish beauty beauty brand that is one of the market leaders when it comes to gel polishes, and is now gaining ground in the UK due to its high quality products and very affordable prices. The products, which are also used in many salons, range from the special hybrid nail polish which combines gel, UV and nail polish properties and is currently advertised by Amy Childs, to more traditional polishes and nail treatments. Semilac may be the new kid on the block when it comes to UK nails, but it is certainly gaining ground quickly. When it comes to nails, I am a red polish girl. I…
5 Household Remedies to help you look younger and avoid pimple breakouts
A pimple breakout is one of the most awful things that can possibly happen to you when you are determind to look fresher and younger. Getting the best skin and facial products is certainly on everyone’s list, but given all skins are different, the challenge is to find the right products that suits yours. To overcome this challenge you need to self-educate on skin care best practices and also complement this process with vale-for-money investments to acquire the right products. Aside from making sure that the skin looks and stays fresh, you have to look out for acne problems which can make you look years older. In addition to using…
Mini-U natural hair and skin products – perfect for pampering your little ones.
One of the bane of my life at the moment is hair. Not my hair I might add, long and straight, with neither a kink or a curl in it, it is easy to manage and look after. No, it is my son’s thick, wavy and rather wayward hair that is the problem. Joe has beautiful hair, thick and lustrous, and full of waves and the odd curl that is a mixture of his Italian inheritance and a throwback to my mom, who has the same thick mop. Unfortunately, like most 4 years olds, he hates having his hair washed, conditioned or brushed. Which is a problem, as Joe is…
Selfridges introduces Vaseline Pink Bubbly
I really love it when an old favourite re-imagines itself and gets a whole new look. That is exactly what has happened to that beauty essential Vaseline Lip Therapy. There can’t be any woman who hasn’t got a little pot of this in their handbag, but now you can get it in a gorgeous rose flavour at Selfridges, for a limited time only. Vaseline ‘Pink Bubbly’ is just gorgeous! A lovely rosé hue, giving you a sense of sparkling pink champagne, this both smells and tastes fabulous (although you should resist the urge to keep licking your lips…) and helps you to maintain that perfect pout. The tin has also…