Autumn #WIWT Post
OK – My bad. I usually do an outfit of the day post at the end of the month, but I totally forgot in September, and then got caught up in Christmas at the end of October. So today I bring an abridged version of #WIWT for the Autumn months so far, with a promise that November will have a proper post. September is a bit of a transitional month when it comes to fashion, and this Autumn October proved to be surprisingly mild too. So some Summer pieces have had a prolonged life and I’ve been able to stick with bare legs for far longer than I normally would.…
Sweater Weather: 12 Cozy Outfit Ideas
Do you have a favourite time of the year? For some, it is summer because they just cannot get enough of the warm, summer sun beaming down on their skin… For others, it is the winter because there is just something so calming about bundling up in layers and warming up by a bonfire with friends… Or, you might be one of those people that just embrace each season as it arrives, because let’s be honest – each one has its perks. Either way – now that fall is upon us, we can officially dress warmly for the next few months. The cool breeze is here to stay for a…
Wallis New Season Picks
September has often been called Fashion’s favourite month. With all the new season collections, the various fashion weeks, and of course, the September issues of the glossy magazines, September is a wonderful month for those who love clothes and style. I am going to be taking a look at some of the new season ranges that are hitting the High Street as we speak, and today I am starting off by looking at the just in pieces from Wallis. Wallis has always been a stylish destination on the High Street, both for casual clothes, workwear and evening wear, and in recent years, it has more fully embraced trends without losing…