Increase Your Style Quotient With Designer Handbags
There is such a luscious array of goodies out there when it comes to fashion. Clothes, accessories, make up, trends, advice columns, trend setters, ‘how to’ videos and so on – they all make it possible for you to find your own style and make a splash when it comes to the fashion scene. But if there is one thing that you simply must have if you want to increase your style quotient, then it is a designer handbag. Here are some of the top reasons why now is a great time to grab a few designer handbags for yourself: They are available at great prices online. They can be…
Next – Customise your denim
 The word ‘customise’ fills me with dread,     I’m not that handy with a needle and thread….. I love fashion, every single element of it, but my own skills with a needle and thread are amateur, scrap that, infantile to say the least. So when Next approached me to see if I would like to take part in a special customisation challenge I was both excited and terrified, especially as the competition was being judged by someone who really does have a talent for customising and personalising clothing, Kirsty from Fashion For Lunch. But a challenge is a challenge, so I decided to have a go…be kind to me. The…
The High Heel Survival Guide
Winter is one of the worst times of the year when it comes to doing damage to your feet. The weather is bitterly cold causing the ground underfoot to be slippy and dangerous, but party season calls for glitter, glamour and high heels. It is always important to look after our feet at any time of the year, but the season of merriment and festivities is also the season of chillblains, blisters and sore tootsies. In addition, this is the one time of year when the toenails really need to sparkle – you don’t want the look of your Jimmy Choos spoiled by uneven and split nails. Respected shoe retailer…