It’s Almost Christmas Jumper Time
If I was to list my favourite things in no particular order, Christmas jumpers would definitely be in there somewhere. I have such fabulous memories of them, from watching Bridget Jones Diary for the first time and seeing the delectable Colin Firth in a knitted monstrosity, to the first time I met my brother-in-law, which just happened to be on Christmas Day, and that my first words to him were ‘nice Christmas jumper you have there.’ With my boy being a Christmas baby, a Christmas jumper is a must for him, although for a long time I resisted myself. But now it seems that the humble Christmas jumper has become…
Christmas Jumpers at the Ready
[affilinet_performance_ad size=468×60] It used to be that most ridiculed item of clothing. Knitted by spinster aunts and grannies, gifted on Christmas Day. Worn for 10 minutes whilst cringing, and then hidden away, never to be spoken of again. We all remember that turkey buffet in the first Bridget Jones movie, when Mark Darcy’s hotness is slightly tempered by his choice of knitwear. Yes, I can only be talking about festive knits, but the Christmas jumper has come a long way since those bad old days. These days, everyone gets into the spirit of Christmas by donning a jumper, and you can even do your bit for charity by wearing one.…
Christmas Jumpers from BHS
Aah Christmas jumpers. Once something only worn by embaressing uncles, or children who had been forced to wear one of nan’s awful knitting creations, the Christmas jumper has now passed into that so bad it is brilliant catagory, and they even have their own day dedicated to them. (I believe it is December 18th this year, but don’t quote me.) It seems that if you are getting into the Christmas spirit, you need to get yourself a Christmas jumper. Luckily, not all designs are garish and unwearable. Every year BHS seems to come up trumps with designs that are both cute and cuddly. Robins, penguins, polar bears and pretty Christmas…